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Valentines bouquets


 Dozen red Roses

Make this Valentine's Day extra special for your loved one with a dozen red roses. These beautiful blooms are the quintessential symbol of love, and are sure to make your significant other feel cherished. Our roses are hand-picked and arranged with care, ensuring that your gift is both beautiful and long-lasting. Give the gift of romance this Valentine's Day with a stunning bouquet of a dozen roses. Order now and let us help you make this day unforgettable.

6 Red roses

Six elegant roses with stunning deep red petals and a beautiful fragrance, these wonderful roses are the perfect gift.Roses are a classic symbol of love and affection, and our 6 Valentines Roses are no exception. With their deep red petals and elegant appearance, these roses are sure to make any recipient feel special. Whether you're looking to surprise your significant other or simply show a friend some appreciation, these roses are the perfect choice. Each stem is carefully chosen for its beauty and longevity, ensuring that your gift will stay fresh and vibrant for days to come. Give the gift of love this Valentine's Day with our 6 Valentines Roses.


Three kisses in a box

Our three Kisses in a Box is the perfect way to express your love. This stunning1 arrangement features three luxury roses, carefully selected for their beauty. Each rose is expertly arranged with selected  greenery to create a truly elegant look. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just want to show someone you care, three kisses in a box is the perfect choice. Order now and give the gift of love.

​​The secret admirer

The Secret Admirer bouquet is the perfect way to express your love and admiration for that special someone in your life. This beautiful bouquet features a single, stunning red rose surrounded by delicate soft pink and white blooms. The romantic color combination is sure to make a lasting impression and convey your deepest feelings. Give the gift of love with The Secret Admirer bouquet from our trusted florist. Order online today and get same-day delivery


Lillies and Roses

Our Lillies and Roses bouquet is a perfect gift for Valentine's Day! It features six stunning red roses paired with fragrant white lilies, creating a romantic and elegant arrangement. The roses symbolize love and passion, while the lilies represent purity and devotion. This bouquet is sure to make your special someone feel loved and appreciated. Order now and surprise your loved one with this beautiful bouquet


Our Hydrangea Bouquet is a true showstopper! Hand-tied with care, this stunning bouquet features a beautiful Hydrangea flower, surrounded by an array of complementary blooms and lush greenery. Please note that the colours may vary due to availability. The bouquet is presented in a cardboard vase, freshly cut, and ready to be displayed in your home. Sit back and enjoy the natural beauty of this exquisite bouquet! Please note that the picture is for illustration purposes only.

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